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Many years ago, the Rev. Ivan Tomažič, founder of the KOROTAN Hall of Residence in Vienna, Austria, attended a lecture by the late Prof. Milko Kos on the arrival of the Slavic people in the territory of the Alps. He was amazed how in finest detail Prof. Kos described the advance of the Slavs upstream along the valley of the river Drava without giving any actual proofs. For him this raised the suspicion that all the officially asserted history of that period could be to a large extent fictitious and false. This event triggered then his studies to find the true history of the early Slavs. At the beginning, due to his regular work and that of building and directing the Hall of Residence, he could not devote himself fully to this noble commitment. In the beginning of the seventies Dr. J. Šavli, who had been researching Slovenian toponyms in the Alps, arrived in Vienna to study and met Tomažič. Mutual discussions on this and related topics resulted in two publications, published separately by the two authors in the periodical “Glas Korotana” [Voice of Korotan (i.e. Carinthia)] in 1981. The Rev. Tomažič about establishing a »Foundation for the advancement of research and promotion of Slovenian history«. (Later, after Dr. J. Šavli and M. Bor were honoured by an award, the Foundation took on a new function as a publishing institution). In the founding act he brought forward all questionable aspects of the currently held history of the Slovenian territories in the 5th and 6th century A.D. He also gave a hint how the corrected history might actually be. He also published two papers by Dr. Šavli on the Carinthian hat and on the heraldic black Carinthian panther. In 1982 and in the same periodical Dr. Šavli published a paper on the Linden – a tree of life, pointing out the coincidence of the territory of the Wends and the territory of linden tree. At the same time the Rev. Tomažič published a paper entitled »Some thoughts on the ancient history of the Slovenes«, presenting an outline of his point of view on the early history of the Slovenian peoples, a theme he is still following today. In 1985 Dr. Šavli published (in the “Voice of Korotan”) his work “ The Veneti, our distant ancestors?”, a paper which was harshly criticised in the major Slovenian newspaper DELO and which triggered an avalanche of polemic writings, also answered by the Rev. Tomažič. When almost defeated by a phalanx of university scholars, Mr. Matej Bor entered the scene by publishing his explanation of how to read and understand the Venetic scripts and writings. The exchange of polemic writings in Slovenian newspapers continued for another decade and in the end the newspapers closed discussion on this issue. After that the Rev. Tomažič issued two special issues of the »Voice of Korotan«, the books “The Veneti, our distant ancestors” [also translated into German, Italian, English, and Russian (in preparation)], “New message of the book ‘The Veneti, our distant ancestors’”, “With the Veneti into a New Era”, “ The Etruscans and the Veneti”, “ With the Veneti into new Slovenian Horizons in the Europe of 2000” and finally, on the occasion of his 80th birthday, a book “Who are we Slovenes? When and from where do we originate?", dedicated to the Slovenian people. In Slovenia and all over the Europe he delivered numerous lectures devoted to his favourite topic.

Some publications of the Rev. I. Tomažič, Dr. J. Šavli and Acad. M. Bor:


Tomažič I.  Sklad za pospeševanje raziskovanja in uveljavitve slovenske zgodovine, Glas Korotana, 1981, 7, 1-6.

Šavli J. Karantanski klobuk najpristnejši slovenski simbol, Glas Korotana, 1981, 7, 7-37.

Šavli J. Črni panter - najstarejši karantanski grb, Glas Korotana, 1981, 7, 38-68.

Šavli J. Lipa drevo življenja, Glas Korotana, 1982, 8, 5-50.

Tomažič I. Misli o stari zgodovini Slovencev, Glas Korotana, 1982, 8, 57-61.

Šavli J. Veneti naši davni predniki? Glas Korotana, 1985, 10, 5-50.

Šavli J. Knežji kamen in njegova simbolika, Glas Korotana, 1986, 11, 4-51.

Bor M. Odkod ime Veneti? Glas Korotana, 1986, 11, 52-54.

Tomažič I. Oživeli Veneti, Glas Korotana, 1986, 11, 55-84.

Bor M. Negovske čelade, Glas Korotana, 1986, 11, 85-89.

Šavli J. Vojvodski stol, Glas Korotana, 1987, 12, 7-89.

Bor M., Šavli J., Tomažič I. VenetiFirst Builders of European Community. German Ed. 1988 , Slovenian Ed. 1989, Italian Ed. 1991, English Ed. 1996, Russian Ed. Part I 2002; Editiones Veneti, Vienna.

Tomažič I. Novo sporočilo knjige Veneti naši davni predniki, Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana 1990.

Tomažič I. Z Veneti v novi čas, Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana 1990.

Šavli J. Slovenska država Karantanija, Založba Lipa, Koper; Editiones Veneti, Dunaj; Karantanija, Ljubljana, 1990.

Šavli J. Slovenska znamenja, Založba Humar, Gorica - Bilje 1994.

Etruščani in Veneti (Tomažič I., Ed.), Editiones Veneti, Wien 1995.

Tomažič I. Slovenci Kdo smo? Od kdaj in odkod izviramo? Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana 1999

V nova slovenska obzorja z Veneti v Evropi 2000 (Tomažič I. Ed.), Editiones Veneti, Ljubljana 2000.



Several other authors published the books or papers about this topic, too, for example:


Verbovšek L. Komu (ni)smo tujci? (To whom we are (not) strangers?), Jutro, Ljubljana 1995.

Pipan S. Simboli Slovencev (The symbols of the Slovenes), Založba Humar, Bilje 1996.

Žunkovič D.M., Verbovšek L. V senci zgodovine (In the shadow of history), Jutro, Ljubljana 1998.

Vuga L. Jantarska pot (The amber road), Založništvo Humar, Bilje 2000.