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V letu 2001 smo v okviru projekta "Korenine slovenskega naroda" izvedli posvetovanje Veneti v etnogenezi srednjeevropskega prebivalstva. Namen posvetovanja je bil, zbrati čim več podatkov o naši preteklosti do "preseljevanja narodov", čim več dejstev in argumentov za eno ali drugo trditev, da bi se po njihovi primerjavi prej ali slej ugotovilo, kako je najverjetneje bilo. Dosežki so bili predstavljeni v "Zborniku prve mednarodne konference Veneti v etnogenezi srednjeevropskega prebivalstva", Jutro, Ljubljana 2002.

V letu 2002 smo nadaljevali z delom Ciklusa konferenc "Korenine slovenskega naroda" in izvedli posvet Praprebivalstvo na tleh Srednje Evrope. Prispevki, ki so jih avtorji pripravili za tisk, zajemajo široko področje od zgodovinskih, jezikovnih, kulturnih in kultnih do arheoloških, genetskih, poselitvenih, klimatoloških, prometnih, tehnoloških in drugih vidikov nekdanjih življenjskih razmer in različnih človeških dejavnosti naše skupne evropske prazgodovine.


Prispevki, ki jih objavljamo v tem zborniku, predstavljajo nova znanja iz naše slovenske in skupne evropske prazgodovine. Tudi ta zbornik bo nekoliko pripomogel k zavedanju o naših skupnih evropskih in še posebej slovanskih koreninah.

 Prispevki v tem zborniku so v slovenščini, razen dveh, ki sta v angleščini.



In 2001, the First International Topical Conference The Veneti within the Ethnogenesis of Central-European Populations was organized as part of the long term project »Origins of the Slovenes«. The aim of the conference was to collect new data on the distant past of the Slovenes up to the period of the so-called »Great Migration of Peoples«, to attain new facts and arguments for one or the other theory so as to asses one or the other claim by comparison, and sooner or later to determine what the past most likely was.The outcome of the conference is presented in the "Proceedings of the First International Topical Conference The Veneti within the Ethnogenesis of the Central-European Population", Jutro, Ljubljana 2002. 
In 2002 the efforts were continued and they resulted in the Conference “Ancient Settlers of Central Europe”
, held in Ljubljana, September 2002. The contributions submitted by the authors are published in present Proceedings. The contributions range from historical, linguistic, cultural, religious to archeological, genetic, settlement, climatic, transport, technological and other aspects of previous living conditions and different human activities of our common European ancient history. The contributions published in this report represent new knowledge of Slovenian and our common European prehistoric past.
The articles published in the proceedings bring forward new knowledge on our Slovenian and European prehistory. This report will also add, to some degree, to the knowledge of our common European and especially Slav origins.
The conference papers are mainly in Slovenian. Two of them are in English