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Po prispevkih v tem Zborniku so videti stvari take:

Najpomembnejša ugotovitev na posvetovanju je bila, da naši "slovenetoslovci" sploh niso tako osamljeni, kot je to videti v slovenskem in avstrijskem znanstvenem prostoru. V Evropi se namreč v zadnjem desetletju uvaja povsem nova prazgodovinska paradigma. V njej je zlasti opazna teorija kontinuitete. Večina evropskih arheologov je zavrnila domnevo o invaziji Indoevropejcev v bakreni dobi, opuščajo jo že tudi uradne evropske institucije, ki financirajo raziskave. Vedno več vrhunskih evropskih strokovnjakov za prazgodovino zavrača domnevo o prihodu Slovanov v 6. stol. Sedaj razpravljajo le še, ali so Slovani na svojih sedanjih ozemljih od mlajše ali od starejše kamene dobe, pri čemer se ta čas pomika vedno globlje v preteklost. Glede na ta dogajanja spadajo I.T., J. Š. in M. B. svojim delom med nevključene predhodnike teorije kontinuitete.

Druge ugotovitve so še naslednje. Predniki Slovanov so živeli v Podonavju, kjer so začeli razvijati pismenstvo že v 7. tisočletju pr. Kr. in ga razvili do 4. tisočletja pr. Kr. V Sloveniji zasledimo pismenstvo v bronasti dobi v podonavski in ne v starogrški pisavi. Hišna znamenja na Tolminskem kažejo na še znakovno, predčrkovno označevanje, medtem ko so na Bohinjskem videti mlajša, iz črk venetske abecede.

V stiku s predniki Baskov so bili predniki Slovanov zelo zgodaj, še preden se je razvilo štetje, mogoče že pred zadnjo poledenitvijo. Sorodnost z Baski bi bila lahko največja pri Makedoncih in Bolgarih. Del prednikov Slovanov je odšel v Indijo, ko je bilo štetje že razvito.

Že v predrimskem času so bili predniki Slovanov razdeljeni na več slovenetskih ljudstev. Prednike Karantancev so takrat imenovali Vindelicijci. Predniki zahodnih Slovencev so bili podalpski (obpadski) Veneti. Po analogiji bi bili predniki osrednjih Slovencev predvsem Karni, Japodi, itd., predniki vzhodnih Slovencev pa predvsem panonski Sloveneti; Sloveneti so živeli tudi na Balkanu. Tudi v sedanji Franciji, Nemčiji, Švici, itd., so živele tamkajšnje vrste zahodnih Slovenetov. Del severnih Slovenetov je živel tudi v Skandinaviji, kamor so lahko prišli z juga, s celine, nekje v ali po 7. tisočletju pr. Kr.

Nadalje lahko iz prispevanih podatkov sklepamo, da so Kelti, Rimljani in Germani uničili osrednje ("deželotvorne") predele zahodnih slovenetskih ljudstev, preostali so le njihovi obrobni predeli. Iz tega bi lahko sledilo, da je bilo sedanje slovensko ozemlje stikališče obrobnih preživelih ostankov več različnih slovenetskih ljudstev, zato je na njenem ozemlju toliko in tako starinskih narečij in zato se v njem tako dolgo ni razvilo uspešno državotvorno središče.


Kaj predlagajo avtorji prispevkov?

Slovenščino so doslej neupravičeno uvrščali med južnoslovanske jezike, čeprav bi jo bilo treba uvrstiti med zahodnoslovanske. To vprašanje zasluži posebno obravnavo in bi ga bilo treba opraviti ločeno od raziskav venetščine. Sistematično bi bilo treba raziskati poimenovanja, ki izvirajo iz venetskega obdobja, zlasti tam, kjer napisi neodvisno kažejo na zgodnjo venetsko poselitev. Venetski runski napisi so tako pomembni, da bi bilo treba razviti posebno znanstveno disciplino, ki naj bi bila v središču pozornosti vseh slavistov. Raziskave teh napisov je treba okrepiti, da bi dobili verodostojno razvozlana besedila, ki bi jih potem jezikoslovci analizirali in opisali na svoji stroki primeren način. Da bi to dosegli, je treba ustanoviti Inštitut za proučevanje etnogeneze slovenskega naroda, ki bi s stalno zaposlenimi strokovnjaki različnih področij (zgodovinarji, arheologi, etnologi, lingvisti, etimologi in antropologi) začel načrtno proučevati etnogenezo Slovencev in tudi drugih narodov od (vsaj) mezolitika do danes.

Anton Perdih







The contributions published in the present Proceedings allow us to make some conclusions on the present status of the pre-historic settlement of Europe.

The most important information presented at the Conference was that our "Slovenetologists" are not as out-of-the way as it might appear in Slovenia or Austria. Namely, in the Europe is developing during the last decade an entirely new prehistoric paradigm, the Continuity Theory. The assumption of a large-scale invasion of Indoevropeans has been definitively rejected by most archaeologists and begins to be abandoned by official institutions, too. The idea of the late, medieval arrival of the Slavs into Europe starts to be abandoned altogether. The debate goes whether the Slavs are present in their present territory since Neolithic or since Paleolithic. From this point of view, the opus of the authors I.T., J. Š and M.B. can be considered as the unrecognized beginnings of the theory of continuity.

Other important findings are the following ones. The ancestors of the Slavs settled the Danube basin. They began to develop the knowledge of linear writing as early as in the 7th millennium B.C. and mastered this knowledge before the 4th millennium B.C. In Slovenia the beginnings of the knowledge of writing can be traced to the Bronze Age. The writing was of the Danube style and not of the Old-Greek type. Owner's marks in the Tolmin area are more like the pre-letter type of designation marks, while house marks from the Bohinj area are apparently younger, containing letters from the Venetic alphabet.

The ancestors of the Slavs were in some contact with the ancestors of the Basques very early, before the knowledge of counting was developed, possibly even before the last glaciation. The relationship to the Basques could be the highest in the case of the Macedonians and Bulgarians. Some of these proto-Slavic ancestors migrated to India at a time when the knowledge of counting was already present.

Already in pre-Roman times these Slavic ancestors were differentiated into several Slovenetic peoples. In that period the ancestors of the Karantanians (Carinthians) were called Vindelitians. The ancestors of the western Slovenes were the subalpine (Padanian) Veneti. Following the same analogy, the ancestors of the Slovenes in the central part of Slovenia could be the Carni, Iapodi, etc. and the ancestors of the eastern Slovenes the Pannonian Sloveneti. The Sloveneti also settled the Balkans. Western Slovenetic tribes also settled the territories of modern France, Germany and Switzerland. Part of the northern Slovenetic tribes settled the southern part of Scandinavia, migrating there from the continent, possibly near or after the 7th millennium B.C.

From the presented contributions we can conclude that the Celts and later the Romans and Germanic peoples destroyed the central (nation-creative) parts settled by the western Slovenetic peoples. Only the peripheral part of the Slovenetic territories survived. Accordingly, one could conclude that the territory of the present Slovenia was a region where remnants of different surviving Slovenetic peoples were in close contact. A consequence of this fact could be the existence of so many different and rather ancient dialects in present days Slovenia. For a long time the evolution of a state and a nation-forming centre was hindered.


What suggest the authors?

Slovenian had heretofore been inaccurately classified as a South Slavic language, where in fact it is to be ranked among the West Slavic languages. This question continues to deserve all the attention it can bear, and this entire issue should be reassigned to a specialized subcommittee for future development and redirected out of Venetic research altogether. Venetic topology must be pursued, especially in areas where inscriptions do independently attest to earlier Venetic settlement. The importance of the Venetic runic inscriptions themselves must lead to the development of a separate and distinct scientific discipline, commanding the keenest focus of all Slavicists, for it does constitute the cultural patrimony of all Slavs. The high value of the ultra-conservative Slovenian dialects in the decipherment of these inscriptions has the potential of so enhancing the appreciation of Slovenian linguistics that those alpine dialects may yet come to be collectively hailed as the "mother of Slavic languages." Research into these inscriptions should proceed "full steam ahead" to produce credibly deciphered texts which can then later be analyzed by linguistic specialists who will write their descriptions in the conventional jargon of the trade. To achieve these goals, an institute is to be founded where the scholars of different fields (historians, archaeologists, ethnologists, linguists, etymologists, anthropologists, etc.) would systematically study the ethnogenesis of Slovenes and other peoples from the Stone Age on.

Anton Perdih