Zgodovina Evropejcev je skozi celotno zgodovinsko
obdobje, še posebno pa zadnjih 200 let, podrejena takšnim in drugačnim
interesom. Ti vzdržujejo stanje stroke v okvirih omejitev, ki so jih sami
postavili, s tem pa hote ali nehote, preprečujejo prodor drugačnih razlag in
pogledov na problematiko odprtih vprašanj ter ožajo priložnosti za spremembe, za
razvoj in napredek zgodovinske in jezikoslovne stroke.
Omogočiti prodor resnice, vse do zakritih temeljev
stare celine. V nasprotju s pričakovanji, nova odkritja na področju zgodovine in
jezikoslovja ne pripomorejo k spremembi razmišljanja in še manj k spremembi
ustaljenih vzorcev delovanja.
Namen projekta je preko bremen
evropske zgodovinske in politične dediščine vzpostaviti širino raziskovanja,
odkrivanje neznanih, prikritih in zamolčanih sledi o zapostavljenih
praprebivalcih Evrope, ki v senci sodobnih nacij in jezikov, čakajo na
pričevanje resnice.
Spodbujanje s stranpotmi neobremenjenega, izvirnega
raziskovanja, preučevanja primarnih virov ter odkrivanje in objavo ponaredkov,
za boljše razumevanje in poznavanje širine evropskega zgodovinskega dogajanja v
bližnji in daljni preteklosti.
Organiziranje mednarodne mreže raziskovalcev, povezanih
v enovito družbo za spodbujanje, usmerjanje in za bratsko pomoč pri izvajanju
kakovostnih raziskav temelječih na medstrokovnih primerjavah ter skrb za
medsebojno izmenjavo podatkov in idej.
Organiziranje letne mednarodne konference in drugih
srečanj, objava informacij, brošur in tisk knjig ter nastop v medijih za
seznanjanje strokovne in širše laične javnosti o novih spoznanjih s področja
zgodovine, jezikoslovja in drugih strok, ki lahko pripomorejo k širini, razvoju
in napredku družbe. |
The early history of the Europeans has been subdued,
throughout history, in accordance with the views of different interest groups,
particularly over the last 200 years. Either intentionally or unintentionally,
these interest groups impose their view within the bounds of their own
subjective limits, thus inhibiting the exploration of different scientific
opinions and interpretations about unresolved enigmas and also constricting
opportunities for change, development and progress in the areas of historical
and the linguistic science.
The aim of the conference is to allow the presentation
of the truth all to the hidden cornerstone of the old continent. New discoveries
in the spheres of history and linguistics, contrary to expectations, do not
contribute to a change of thinking, and contribute even less to the modification
of accepted patterns.
The Aims of the project is to
facilitate the establishment of thorough research, to discover the unknown,
hidden and suppressed traces of concealed European natives that are waiting in
the shadow of modern nations and languages to testimony the truth, beyond the
burden of historical and political heritage.
The project also aims to promote unencumbered original
research, the study of primary sources, the discovery and publication of
falsifications in order to promote a better understanding and knowledge of the
breadth of events in the near and distant past.
The project also aims to establish an international
network of researchers and linking them together in a fraternity, to promote,
guide and provide an exchange of the information's and ideas to support
researchers with implementing quality studies, based on an interdisciplinary
We aim to organize an annual international conference,
along with other meetings, to publish and share any knowledge and new
discoveries and to print brochures and books.
We attempt to appear in the media as often as possible,
to inform the wider professional and lay public about new findings in the field
of history, linguistics and other disciplines which can facilitate the progress,
development and enrichment of the society. |